
The WordPress Content Management (CMS) platform is the Content management solution of choice by Beacon Technologies for businesses that have a high demand for interactivity from their web site but still want to maintain the site in-house. WordPress offers an impressive array of third-party plugins that handle calendaring, newsletter sign-up, easy SEO, sharing with Facebook, slide shows, YouTube video embedding and more.

Beacon Technologies can build you an impressive site that both looks professional and has the sophistication to grow with your company’s needs.

Are you a graphic designer?

If you are a graphic design company looking for a company proficient in adapting your work into WordPress, we are here to help. In addition to helping designers with coding we also offer reliable hosting/e-mail services.


Full Standard Compliance 

  • WordPress generated code is in full compliance with the standards of the W3C. This is important not only for interoperability with today’s browsers but also for forward compatibility with the tools of the next generation.
No Rebuilding 

  • Changes you make to your templates or entries are reflected immediately on your site, with no need for regenerating static pages.
WordPress Pages 

  • Pages allow you to manage non-blog content easily, so for example you could have a static “About” page that you manage through WordPress.

WordPress Links 

  • Links allows you to create, maintain, and update any number of blogrolls through your administration interface. This is much faster than calling an external blogroll manager.
WordPress Themes 

  • WordPress comes with a full theme system which allows IRaD the flexibility to design a site to fit your business image. We can even design multiple themes with totally different looks that you switch with a single click. Have a new design for special times of the year.

  • Visitors to your site can leave comments on individual entries, and through Trackback or Pingback can comment on their own site. You can enable or disable comments on a per-post basis.

Spam Protection 

  • Out of the box WordPress comes with very robust tools such as an integrated blacklist and open proxy checker to manage and eliminate comment spam on your blog, and there is also a rich array of plugins that can take this functionality a step further.
Password Protected Posts 

  • You can give passwords to individual posts to hide them from the public. You can also have private posts which are viewable only by their author.
XML-RPC Interface 

  • WordPress currently supports an extended version of the Blogger API, MetaWeblog API, and finally the MovableType API. You can even use clients designed for other platforms like Zempt.

Search Engine Optimization 

  • WordPress supports up-to-date automated SEO options to make sure your site is optimized. Additionally, the pinging is supported, which means maximum exposure for your blog to search engines.
Typographical Niceties 

  • WordPress uses the Texturize engine to intelligently convert plain ASCII into typographically correct XHTML entities. This includes quotes, apostrophes, ellipses, em and en dashes, multiplication symbols, and ampersands.

  • You can have types of users that can only post drafts, not publish to the front page

Multiple Authors 

  • WordPress has a highly advanced user system that allows up to 5 levels of users, with different levels having different (and configurable) privileges with regard to publishing, editing, options, and other users.
Intelligent Text Formating 

  • If you’ve dealt with systems that convert new lines to line breaks before you know why they have a bad name: if you have any sort of HTML they butcher it by putting tags after every new line indiscriminately, breaking your formatting and validation. Our function for this intelligently avoids places where you already have breaks and block-level HTML tags, so you can leave it on without worrying about it breaking your code.
Full User Registration 

  • WordPress has a built-in user registration system that (if you choose) can allow people to register and maintain profiles and leave authenticated comments on your blog. You can optionally close comments for non-registered users. There are also plugins that hide posts from lower level users.