To help better protect you, our valuable customers, I would like to point this post back to an article on Make Us Of’s web site. They have a good article on methods to detect what are called “Phishing” attacks. This is a method where in a “hacker” tries to obtain your personal information via a spoof. Here is the opening part of the article, to read the whole article, please follow the link below.

“The internet is one of the best tools known to mankind to do basically whatever you want. But Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Dropbox, Paypal, eBay, bank portals, and so many more sites have twins that are actually phish.

A “phish” is a term for a scam website that tries to look like a site that you know might well and visit often. The act of all these sites trying to steal your account information is called phishing. While it’s very easy to spot some sites as a phish, others aren’t nearly as easy.

Here are four different anti-phishing methods you can use so that you don’t fall victim to phishing.”


Click here to read the full article